T-Shirt Stencils

Now You Can Print or Paint on T-Shirts using Your Own Artwork or Designs In Minutes by making a Stencil using your Computer, Software that you already have and our New Stencil Makers.

This is Fast and even Easier than Silk Screen Printing because there is much less preparation which saves you Time and Money and lets You make prints on shirts much Faster and Easier. This will give you much better profit margins and give you much greater Flexibility in what you produce and when.

Best of all, Each Stencil Will Make Hundreds Of Marks On Things other than T-Shirts such as Glass, Metal, Wood, Fabric, Paper, Plastic, Signs, Cardboard, Marble, Ceramic, and many Other Items.

You Can Use Your Stencil Over And Over And Go From One Project To Another. The Stencils can be used with Paint, Glass Etching Cream, Metal Etching Electrolyte and Even Ink To Print, or Paint On Fabric or Almost Anything!

Here is something that You canreally make Money with with and Enjoy. You now have the Freedom to let your Imagination and Talent run Wild and Create anything that You like on Fabric, T-Shirts, Tote Bags, Hand Bags, etc. in Minutes in any Color with Paint or Ink.

How Does it Work?

You simply create your Own Artwork, Designs, Copy or Text, that you want to put on your Fabric or T-Shirts, on your own computer using the software You already have.

Then You create anything you can imagine, except photos and Print it out on a transparency sheet (which is included in each kit!)

Then use one of the New Stencil Makers to turn the transparency into a stencil, in just 3 - 5 minutes!  And You'll be able to reuse that one stencil hundreds of times, making it possible to create matching towel sets, aprons, tote bags, or anything else to go along with your T-Shirt Line.

TShirt Example Tote Bag

Simple Instructions Below for T-Shirt Stencils

Here are simple to make one and two color T-Shirts that you can Easily make in Minutes with the New Universal Stencils.

Below are the simple instructions that almost anyone can use to create "Saleable" shirts with little or no experience.  

Note: You can create Multi-Color Graphics and Text very easily by simply "Blocking Off" part of the stencil with non-stick tape so that only one color comes thru at a time. Then remove the tape, block the other portion and print with another color. Or you can make more than one stencil and use one for each color.

How To Stencil a T-Shirt in Minutes!

TShirt Stencil

Now you can Create T-Shirts with your own Custom Designs or Artwork in Minutes.

Just follow the instructions on the Home Page to create your Custom Stencil. Then follow the steps below.

Step 1 - Place Cardboard Behind the Fabric

Cardboard behind TShirt

Use a piece of cardboard, cut to the size you need, and place it inside the T-Shirt under the area where you will be printing the artwork. 

Smooth the shirt down over the cardboard so no wrinkles will be in the way.

Step 2 - Position Your Stencil

Stencil Position Place your stencil where you would like the inked image to appear. It should be directly OVER the cardboard which you have placed inside the shirt.

Note: Here we show the stencil on a plastic frame. You may want to use a frame and they are shown below. We have found that Oak Stencil Frames are the Best.

Step 3 - Ink Your Squeegee

Ink Your Squeegee

Put some Fabric Paint on your squeegee. You do not need a lot of paint but use enough to fill the stencil.

Put Paint on your Squeegee or on the left hand edge of the stencil. Be sure you use enough paint so that the copy will be covered easily.

Step 4 - Squeegee the Paint onto the T-Shirt

Squeegee Hold the stencil down firmly with one hand. Pull the inked squeegee across the stencil with your other hand in one smooth motion using a light to medium hand pressure.

Note: Practice once or twice on scraps to get the "Right" feel to your squeegee motion.

Step 5 - Gently Lift up your Stencil

Finished Glass Etching Mug Gently lift up your stencil by holding one corner of the stencil or frame so as not to smear your ink.

Step 6 - Here is your Completed Shirt

Tshirt Stencil Here is your completed shirt. You can make the paint or ink permanent by letting it dry and then place a scrap piece of cloth over the graphics and iron with a regular household iron on medium for about 5 minutes.It's that simple!You have printed your shirt in Seconds.

Make sure to wash and dry the stencil too, so you'll be able to use it hundreds more times and to make the ink permanent simply wait until it dries and then lay a scrap cloth over the print and iron it for 4 or 5 minutes with the iron set on medium. This makes it washable.

There You Have It...

A New Stencil Making System that will open up a world of Great New Possibilities for you and allow you to use Your Talent and Ideas to have a lot of Fun and make some real Money making and selling T-Shirts and hundreds of other items.

You are only limited by your own Imagination and Energy. So now is the time to let your Artistic Ideas flow and enjoy creating things you have put off before as too much work....especially if the artwork had to be repeated over and over again or was quite complicated.

This new system cuts through all of that and Frees You up to "Multiply" yourself if you are creating any item or artwork that needs to be "Produced" in almost any amount.

Limited Time Offer - Stencil Maker Kits

Be Sure And Take Advantage of the Special Low Prices on these New Kits during this Limited Time Offer. Simply decide on the actual Size of the Stencil you may want to use....such as 5"x 6" or 6"x 8" or 10"x 12" and let that help you decide on the kit you will find the most Economical for You.

Finished (Extra Strong) Solid Oak Stencil Frames

Three different sizes to help support your stencils when you apply paint with them.

3/4" x 6-1/2" x 8-1/2" (For 6" x 8" Stencils) $6.95 each - Order Here

3/4" x 8-1/2" x 10-1/2" (For 8" x 10" Stencils) $8.95 each - Order Here

3/4" x 10-1/2" x 12-1/2" (For 10" x 12" Stencils) $10.95 each - Order Here

Package of all 3 Strencil Frames (Save $4.90) $21.95 set - Order Here

Stencil Oak Frame   Frame Set