Welcome to Acrylic Stencils

Have You Ever Wanted To Put Your Own Artwork, Designs, Ideas or Text Copy on Glass, Wood, Fabric, Metal, Plastic, Paper or Any Other Material "That Takes Paint or Can Be Etched"?

Now You Can!....And it is Quick, Easy, Fun and Very Inexpensive to do! Here is How you do it with our New Universal Stencils that let you Etch, Paint or Print on almost Anything.

Simply use Your computer to create any design you want to put on any material. Once you have the design or artwork on your computer, then print it out on a transparency sheet (which comes in the kit) and use that transparency with one of our New Stencil Maker Kits (which are shown below), to make a finished Universal Stencil which you can use with Water Based Acrylic Paint to put your creation directly on all of the materials shown on this website (And Hundreds More that are not listed currently).


"It is hard to find a company now that will actually talk to you on the phone and spend time helping you."


Personalized Stencils in 5 Minutes

It is that simple and takes only about 5 minutes to make a stencil which can be used hundreds of times and can be used on Glass one minute, Metal, the next minute and then you can switch to painting Wood, Fabric, Plastic, Paper or anything else in just minutes.

This is New and there isn't anything like this available on the Internet Today that even compares. Take a few minutes and look through this website and you will see how Easy it is to Make and Use these new Universal Stencils.

Here's a Quick Summary

  • You can make a Universal Stencil in 5 minutes that can be used to Paint, Print or Etch on almost Anything.
  • You use Your Own Computer and Artwork, Text Copy or Designs to put on Your stencils. (The only restriction is you can not do photos)
  • Your Stencils can be used Over and Over Dozens of times on Different Projects and with Different Paints.
  • You can Store your Stencils and use them over and over again anytime.
  • You can use your Stencils "Like a Rubber Stamp" by simply laying them on any material (Like a Scrapbook) and using any paint or ink and you can use Any Color.
  • You can use them just like you would "Art Rubber Stamps" and this means you can "Create your Own Art Stamp Design on your stencil." Also your Stencil Maker will make actual Art Stamps and you can check it out here.
  • You can use Your stencils to put Repeat Designs on whatever you wish to paint or simply paint your designs using the stencils.
  • You can use the SAME STENCIL to put on Different Colors by simply Covering Up Certain Parts of the Stencil with non-stick Scotch tape and using different paint.
  • You can use your stencils to Start a New Business or Improve the products of an existing business. There are literally Thousands of ways to use these Universal Stencils to have real Fun and to Make Real Money!


Crafty Example...

Paint a Wood Sign

Painted Wood Sign

Now you can stencil anything that will hold acrylic paint, with your own custom design or logo.

Just follow the simple instructions on the home page to create your custom stencil. Then read on below for more instructions.

Step 1 - Position Your Stencil

Position Your Stencil

Place the stencil on the plaque to be stenciled. Be very careful with the alignment of your stencil.

The stencil must lay flat on the plaque in order to keep the paint from bleeding under the edges so press it down after you get your alignment.

Step 2 - Apply Paint to Squeegee & Stencil

Secure Glass Lay a line of paint on the top edge of the stencil (Or you can put the paint on your squeegee). Be sure to use enough paint to cover the entire width of the copy and sufficient to cover the complete stencil.

You can save any excess paint by scraping it off of your stencil when finished so be sure and use enough.

Step 3 - Squeegee the Paint Across the Stencil

Stencil Position Hold the stencil in place with two fingers on left hand side as shown. Now pull the squeegee across the copy in one smooth stroke using light to medium hand pressure.

Note: Check to be sure that the copy parts are completely filled with the paint color before you remove the stencil.

Step 4 - A Masterpiece in One Stroke!

Etching Cream

Now carefully remove the stencil by lifting from one edge.

Once You are started you can easily make dozens or even hundreds of copies of your artwork by simply repeating the process.Also You can save your stencil to use hundreds more times by simply washing it out with water and drying it for safe keeping. Then let your artwork dry. It is that simple.

Summary of Craft Stencils

There you have it...A New Stencil Making System that will open up a world of Great New Possibilities for you and allow you to use Your Talent and Ideas to have a lot of Fun and make some real Money if you so desire.

You are only limited by your own Imagination and Energy. So now is the time to let your Artistic Ideas flow and enjoy creating things you have put off before as too much work....especially if the artwork had to be repeated over and over again or was quite complicated.

This new system cuts through all of that and Frees You up to "Multiply" yourself if you are creating any item or artwork that needs to be "Produced" in almost any amount.

Now you can really Enjoy your Crafts knowing that you are Saving Time, Money and a Ton of Work using these New Stencils and also knowing that many New Ideas are now open to you. So take a few moments and examine this site and consider all of the ideas that you can easily use.

Finished (Extra Strong) Solid Oak Stencil Frames

Three different sizes to help support your stencils when you apply paint with them.

3/4" x 6-1/2" x 8-1/2" (For 6" x 8" Stencils) $6.95 each - Order Here

3/4" x 8-1/2" x 10-1/2" (For 8" x 10" Stencils) $8.95 each - Order Here

3/4" x 10-1/2" x 12-1/2" (For 10" x 12" Stencils) $10.95 each - Order Here

Package of all 3 Strencil Frames (Save $4.90) $21.95 set - Order Here

Stencil Oak Frame   Frame Set

Craft & Paint Testimonials

Dear Marie:

Thanks for the idea of "blocking off" parts of the stencil so that we can paint different colors without making several stencils. This sure saves time and does a good job.  The trick is in the non stick tape which comes off easily and does not ruin the stencils. We appreciate the Tip.It is hard to find a company now that will actually talk to you on the phone and spend time helping you.

Thanks again,
Shirley Sanders,
Seattle, Wa.


Dear Martronics,

The only other time I have ever written a company was to complain about a very shoddy product. So this time I'm writing to tell you how really pleased I am with the new stencil making kit. I am finding a new use for it almost every time I use it and it is sure fast when you want to put the same design on a lot of fabric at the same time.  In fact it works so well that I have even "conned" my husband into helping me. He thinks it is fun but he is a little messy with the paint.

Sincerely yours,
Hilda Ronson,
Denver, Colorado


Hi Martronics:
Just a quick email to let you know that we really like your new stencil making kit and we have made several Items that we are now selling at our local Flea Market on Saturdays. The ones that sell best are the glass coffee mugs with dogs of various kinds etched on them. Everyone wants one and we also offer to Etch the Dog's name on each mug which sells like crazy. You'll have to drop by some day and see.

John Harper,
Dallas, Texas