Welcome to Carton Printing Stencils

Here is a great New Way to Save Time and Money by Printing your own Shipping Cartons or Boxes in just Minutes!

Now you can simply buy cheap UNPRINTED stock cartons or shipping boxes and then Quickly and Easily Print them in your own shop or plant with Any Copy you can make on your computer. This can be Trademarks, Artwork, Text or even your Company Logo.

It could also be product contents, instructions or any other information you wish. And it can be done in ANY COLOR in Minutes using the New Universal Stencils that can be used Hundreds of times and even stored for Re-use later.


What is the New Stencil System?

This is a Revolutionary New Stencil-Making System that will allow you to create whatever logo, text or trademark you like on all of your cardboard boxes or shipping cartons in any Color in just Minutes.

This is the Easiest to Use, Lowest Cost stenciling system on the market today and with it you can easily make your standard blank cartons look like they were printed Professionally and at a LOW COST that you can NOT BEAT.

Best of All, this can be done by almost anyone in your plant. This is New and is not available anywhere on the Internet at prices that are even close to these Special Limited Time Low Prices.

How Does it Work?

This system is so easy to use that you will have virtually No Training Costs. You simply Create your Text Copy or Design on any computer, using software that you already have and use your regular printer to print the design out on a transparency film (which is included in the kit.)

Then use a Stencil Maker to transfer the transparency onto the stencil material in 2 to 3 minutes. Develop the stencil, and you've got a Re-usable Stencil that will professionally print your cartons for less than a penny per box!

What Can It Do For You?

Glass Etching Save You Time, Save Money, Give You Free Advertising and Make Your Boxes and Shipping Cartons Look Professional. How about doing all of that in a few Minutes and for less than a penny per box?

You can stencil whatever color you want, even in multiple colors! Add "Fragile" logos, or Haz-Mat warnings, or even contents to each box, making Shipping and Receiving Easier. You could even stencil your barcode on the side of each box. The Possibilities are Endless.

Best of all, this same stencil can be used for Thousands of Other Uses in your plant, shop or office because it can be used to Etch Metal Parts or Tools, Etch Glass, Ceramic or with Ink or Paint it can be used on Wood, Plastic, Leather, Paper, Tile, Fabric (Like T-Shirts) or almost anything else that will take Paint or Ink.

Step 1 - Print Your Transparency


You can put any kind of copy or artwork on your Cardboard Boxes (Including Trademarks) in minutes.

Simply put the copy on your computer and print out on the transparency sheets provided in your kit like shown at left.

Step 2 - Expose Your Stencil

Expose Stencil

Now cut a piece of unexposed stencil material from the silver envelope to the appropriate size and place on the black pad in your exposure unit.

Take your transparency sheet with the copy and place on top.Then cover with the glass plate and expose for two minutes.

Step 3 - Peel Back the Mylar (Both Sides)

Mylar Backing After exposure remove the stencil from the exposure unit and then peel the Mylar cover sheets from BOTH SIDES of the stencil.

Step 4 - Apply Activator, then Etching Cream

Developer Next place the stencil in the developer solution and let it sit for about a minute. Then take one of the white sponges and gently rub the stencil where the copy shows.

Rub on both sides of the copy until it becomes very WHITE. It is then ready for use.

Step 5 - Rinse Stencil Completely


Rinse the stencil under warm water until the developer is completely cleaned off.

You can tell this when the stencil is not slippery any longer.

Step 6 - Blot Dry Your Stencil

Blot Dry

Wipe the stencil off to remove the excess water and then hold stencil up to the light to be sure that it is completely developed.

There should be no Blue in the White letters or copy. If so then simply put back in the developer until the whole stencil copy is white.

Step 7 - Blow Dry Your Stencil


Put stencil on a paper towel and "Blow Dry" it with a hair dryer for a few moments on both sides.

It is easier to handle this way and this is also the best way to "Store" stencils after use.

Step 8 - Stencil Frame


You may want to attach a frame to your stencil to make it easier to handle. (This is NOT absolutely necessary since a lot of times it is just as easy to use the stencil without a frame).

We have Oak Stencil Frames available that work much better than the plastic ones shown.(See Below) Attach the stencil to the frame with cellophane tape on the edges.

Step 9 - Apply Ink to Stencil

Apply Ink

Put the proper ink on your stencil (Or on the Squeegee).

Be sure you use enough ink or paint so that all the letters or copy on the stencil "Fills" and you do not get voids.

Step 10 - Use Squeegee

Squeegee Paint Use a squeegee to evenly apply the ink or paint. Be sure that the width of the squeegee is wide enough to cover all of your copy so you DO NOT have to make a SECOND stroke.

A second stroke can sometimes make a print that is over inked in the middle.

Step 11 - Hold Stencil Firmly

Ink Stencil

Now pull squeegee across the carton in one smooth pass using about a 45 degree angle and moderate hand pressure.

It is best to practice once or twice on scrap cardboard to get the "feel" of operating the squeegee and be sure the stencil is working perfectly.

After a couple of tries you will be an Expert.

Step 12 - Pull Squeegee Across Stencil

Stencil box

If you want to print on two sides of the carton simply move the stencil over and draw the squeegee across it again.

It should easily have enough ink on it for several marks.

Step 13 - Lift Stencil up Gently

Lift Stencil Note: Be sure when lifting the stencil that you are careful since the ink is wet and can smear easily. Therefore hold one edge and gently lift the opposite edge up and away from the wet ink. You will have a perfect mark then every time.

Print on All Sides of Cartons

Shipping Box

Here is a carton that is printed on only one end simply as a sample.

Printing on all four sides will require you to wait for several minutes or so until the first side dries.

Single Shipping Box/Carton

Shipping Box Your printed cartons will look like this (Or Better) and can have more than one color and can be printed with graphics and on all edges including the flaps if you wish.

Simply make the stencils larger to cover the larger area needed.

Multiple Cartons

Shipping Box One stencil will print hundreds of boxes and can be cleaned, dried and stored to use over and over again. You can also use the same stencil and change the paint or ink color.

Wash & Reuse!

Wash Stencil

When finished simply clean up with water. If the stencil is a little "Plugged Up" because some of the ink has dried in it you may want to use a little white sponge and gently rub the area.

It is best to NOT LET THE INK DRY in the stencil and you can prevent this by quickly going from one box to the other without waiting long periods between boxes allowing the paint to harden. Blow Dry stencils after use for best storage.

Limited Time Offer - Stencil Maker Kits

Be Sure And Take Advantage of the Special Low Prices on these New Kits during this Limited Time Offer. Simply decide on the actual Size of the Stencil you may want to use....such as 5"x 6" or 6"x 8" or 10"x 12" and let that help you decide on the kit you will find the most Economical for You.

Finished (Extra Strong) Solid Oak Stencil Frames

Three different sizes to help support your stencils when you apply paint with them.

3/4" x 6-1/2" x 8-1/2" (For 6" x 8" Stencils) $6.95 each - Order Here

3/4" x 8-1/2" x 10-1/2" (For 8" x 10" Stencils) $8.95 each - Order Here

3/4" x 10-1/2" x 12-1/2" (For 10" x 12" Stencils) $10.95 each - Order Here

Package of all 3 Strencil Frames (Save $4.90) $21.95 set - Order Here

Stencil Oak Frame   Frame Set